As a business owner with a website you are always trying to figure out how to get more traffic and of coarse "quality traffic", traffic that converts into sales for you. So what are some inexpensive ways to covert more viewers into customers. Well, it is very important to monitor where you rank in the major Search engines like, Google, Bing, and Yahoo. If you are not found in the top 20 when searching your keywords, its most likely that you are loosing business to your competition. You can see if you appear in Google's top 20 here . Just enter your keyword or keyword phrase.
What I would like to introduce to you today is a very affordable video marketing tool i.e. product that I use on my website. SEM has developed through their video production IVO Technology which simple overlays over your current website with very simple install instructions. Click here to hear how IVO helps you connect with your visitors.
Here is a picture of how IVO Technology layers over a webpage.

When choosing a video production company to create your corporate video or video commercial you should definitely check out IVO Technology.
SEM is located in Nashville Tennessee, and has over 300 studio nationwide to facilitate your web video productions needs.
Straight Edge Marketing, LLC
617 Potomac Place Ste. 402
Smyrna, TN 37167
Phone: 615-459-0444
keywords: ivo, ivo technology, video production company in nashville tn, web video commercial